ICNIRP 2020 Seoul

ICNIRP: 9th International Nir Workshop

Seoul, Korea, January 14 – 15 2021 (previously May 7 – 8 2020)

ECC Theater, Ewha Womans University. Address: 52, Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03760 Republic of Korea

Organizer: International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)


The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) is holding its 9th International NIR Workshop at the ECC Theater, Ewha Womans University in Seoul, Korea, 7-8 May 2020. With the contribution of all ICNIRP members and scientists from the major Korean institutes engaged in NIR research, you will get a comprehensive overview of the newest scientific developments in NIR and the current advice in radiation protection, in particular in relation to exposure to electromagnetic fields.

As an introduction the NIR workshop will provide participants with a round about of the main international actors in radiation protection and how they view their different roles in the international protection frame. The three further sessions will be devoted to health protection in the RF, ELF and optical ranges, including topics related to the upcoming NTP validation animal study in Korea, RF cancer epidemiology, mobile phone safety, wireless power transmission, environmental issues related to ELF, and LED safety. The update of the ICNIRP Radio Frequency Guidelines expected for publication at the End of 2019/Start of 2020 will be one of the main foci of the workshop.

Draft Program

Thursday 7 May 2020


09.00-Opening and Welcome-

SESSION 1 – International NIR protection – organizational roles and interplay between ICNIRP, WHO, ILO and IRPA
Chair – Maria Feychting

09:10-ICNIRP’s role in radiation protection, principles and procedure-Eric van Rongen

09.20-The role of WHO in NIR Protection -tbc

09.30-NIR in occupational settings – ILO activities in NIR protection-tbc

09.40-NIR activities within IRPA and the relation with ICNIRP-Sigurdur Magnusson

09.50-Discussions, Questions, and Comments

10.00-Coffee, tea, poster viewing

SESSION 2 – Health protection in optical range

10.30-Basic concepts of optical radiation effects on the eye and the skin-Tsutomu Okuno

11.00-LEDs and optical safety -Sharon Miller

11.30-Shining a light on occupational exposure-Nigel Cridland
ICNIRP/Public Health England

12.00-Cosmetic tanning – a major challenge for UV protection -Adele Green

12.30-UV protection and risk of skin hyperpigmentation-Tania Cestari (tbc)
ICNIRP/Univ. of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

13.00-Lunch and poster viewing

POSTER SESSION – Early Career Scientists- Chair – Zenon Sienkiewicz-CNIRP

14.00-ECS Rapid Presentations (up to 10 of 2 min)-Early Career Scientists

SESSION 3 – Health protection in ELF range
Chair – Zenon Sienkiewicz

14.20-ELF epidemiology – cancer and neurodegenerative diseases-Anke Huss
ICNIRP/Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, Utrecht, Netherlands

14.50-ELF experimental data: are new investigation areas needed?-Carmela Marino

15.20-ELF interaction mechanisms -Guglielmo d’Inzeo
ICNIRP/University of Rome, Italy

15.50- Environmental issues related to ELF-Gunde Ziegelberger
ICNIRP/BfS, Germany

16.20-Coffee, Tea and Poster Viewing

16.50-ELF data gaps in dosimetry: updates needed in ICNIRP LF guidelines?-Akimasa Hirata

17.20-EMF protection and guideline in Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) Technology-tbc

17.50-Regulatory issues in Australia-Ken Karipidis


Friday 8 May 2020

SESSION 4 – Health protection in RF range
Chair: Soichi Watanabe, ICNIRP/NICT, Japan

09.00-Mobile phone exposure and brain SAR-Ae Kyoung Lee
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea

09.30-Real world RF exposure in relation to regulatory limits-Martin Röösli
ICNIRP/Univ. Basel TPHI, Switzerland

10.00-NTP – Need Tangible Proof ? -Zenon Sienkiewicz

10.30-International NTP validation animal study-Young Hwan Ahn
Ajou University, Korea

11.00-Coffee, Tea and Poster Viewing

11.30-RF Cancer Epidemiology – what does the current evidence tell  us?-Maria Feychting
ICNIRP/Karolinska Institute, Sweden

12.00-Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) – Sense or Sensibility ?-Gunnhild Oftedal



SESSION 4 (continued) – Health protection in RF range
Chair: Zenon Sienkiewicz, ICNIRP

14.00-Cutting edge RF dosimetry-Akimasa Hirata

14.30-RF guidelines 2020 – 5G and beyond-Rodney Croft
ICNIRP/Univ. Wollongong, Australia

15.00-EMF human exposure from 5G base station in Korea-Kihwea Kim
RRA, South Korea

15.30-Challenges of RF compliance and
risk communication related with 5G-Soichi Watanabe

16.00-Discussion – Panel-Moderated by Eric van Rongen



Visit the event page: ICNIRP: 9th International Nir Workshop.

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