International Scientific Conference IOHA 2020

IOHA: The 12th IOHA International Scientific Conference, IOHA 2020

Daegu, Korea, August 21 – 26 2021 (previuosly October 17 – 22 2020)

Daegu Convention & Exhibition Center (EXCO)

1676, Sangyeok-dong, Buk-gu, Daegu, Korea

Preconference (PDC): to be defined

The International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) holds its 12th International Scientific Conference in Daegu, Korea from 17 to 22 October 2020. The Korean Industrial Hygiene Association (KIHA) will be hosting the conference on behalf of IOHA. The conference provides a truly global flavour of occupational hygiene and showcases challenges, research and the latest developments from all corners of the globe.

IOHA was formed in 1987 as an association of national occupational hygiene organisations. There are currently 35 member organisations representing 32 countries (including Italy), and around 20,000 occupational hygienists.


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